Adjudicators' Experience Day

The Association of Brass Band Adjudicators (AoBBA) and Kapitol Promotions are pleased to announce a jointly promoted Adjudicators’ Experience Day on Saturday 14th September at the Section 1-4 National Finals at Cheltenham.
The day is aimed at both those interested in becoming an adjudicator and those who’d simply like to find out more about the role and experiences of an adjudicator at a contest.
With mentoring from an AoBBA Executive Member, participants will partake in a workshop covering score preparation, the PAC (Performance Assessment Criteria) code, contest paperwork and how an adjudicator prepares for a contest. Additionally to this, participants will do their own adjudications for the first half of the Section 1 contest with your own score provided, meet one of the official adjudicators and partake in a de-brief Q&A session.
Managing Director of Kapitol Promotions, Philip Morris, commented: “We are delighted to support this new AoBBA venture at the Sections 1-4 Finals 2024. Kapitol Promotions has accommodated the Trainee Adjudicator Scheme at Cheltenham for a number of years now, so this new Adjudicators’ Experience is a natural progression of our joint work with AoBBA to inspire the next generation of brass band adjudicators.”
To register your interest, please send a short letter of application to AoBBA’s Vice Chair & Head of the Training Programme, Martin Heartfield at:
Closing Date – Wednesday 7th August 2024